Thursday, June 28, 2007


Long Beach

Enjoy your S.K.I.N. concert, you lucky bastards who are going to Anime Expo. *cries*

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Report Card

Got my report card last Friday.

Biology - 90%
Functions and Relations - 90%
Graphic Art and Design - 96%
Media Studies - 84%
English - 88%
Geometry and Applications - 94%
Modern History - 92%
Physical Geography - 97%
Visual Arts - 96%

Happy? Hell yes. =D

Also, beginning to rethink going to art school... I dunno if that's what I really want. Something I've been thinking about is teaching English as a second language :) Sounds fun, no? Sure, it'll be difficult, but probably very rewarding, too.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Yay! :D


Oh, guess what I saw last night X3

That's right, Pirates of the Caribbean 3 xD It was really good! I think I liked the second one better, though ;D Also, while I was waiting for the movie to start, I bought myself a little something at EB Games...Yup, that's Final Fantasy X :) I've never played any of the Final Fantasy games aside from Crystal Chronicles, so I figured hey, why not ;P If I had enough money, I probably would have bought Tales of the Abyss, though xD

Since it's summer, I'm working on a new (big-ish) drawing! Well, not big size-wise, but it's a long project kind of thing... I don't know, I'm just rambling C:That's Sora! Sorry it's not a great quality picture, I had to take a photo of it because my scanner damn near raped it D=< Poor, innocent Sora...

If you haven't, go listen to abingdon boys school :) Takanori Nishikawa's releasing songs again, YAY! :D

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Finished Art Exam Project

It's an autobiographical self-portrait :) Work 15% of my final grade :O (It's a painting, if you can't tell)

I also re-arranged my room! :O I'll re-arrange it again once the wall between mine and Kaly's room is knocked down... Kekeke...It's gonna be freakin sweet ;D And so you can look at something cute...

Friday, June 8, 2007

Well, school is finally done =D I say finally, but this year went by really fast :O Too fast, almost... ¬_¬­ I do still have exams, though. But they don't count =>

Pretty sure I'm getting a job down at my local convenience store :O Yay, moneys.

Work in progress! :O Coming out much better than my last Haruhi sketch XD

Yes, those are knitting needles => Alan said she needed some knitting equipment, and I whole-heartedly agreed XD

No, they won't be in the final picture, should I choose to continue it :P